Are you continually paying more to cool your home? While there are numerous possible explanations – including AC system wear and tear – there usually are things you can do about it short of replacing it.
There also are things not to do, like closing inside doors. Simply put, that will increase, not decrease your cooling costs. What’s more, polluted air will work its way into your living spaces.
Here’s what happens when you close doors:
- At least some cool air will work its way inside shut-off rooms.
- That same air will look for ways out as part of the air circulation process. That shouldn’t be too difficult given the presence of such escape hatches as uninsulated switches or sockets, gaps under and around doors, uncaulked window seams, and so on. As conditioned air exits, a vacuum forms that welcomes in the airborne pollutants.
In the meantime, your AC system is working harder to overcome the air circulation obstructions, thus driving up your utility costs while creating the potential for repair problems from the added wear and tear.
More Ways to Save Money
Of course, it takes more than an open bedroom door to fully optimize airflow and reduce your cooling costs. Here are more helpful tips:
- Install cold air returns in rooms that must be closed for whatever the reason.
- Install a transfer grill to the side or on top of doors you wish to keep closed.
- Have your air ducts inspected and sealed as appropriate.
- Clean or replace your AC filter every three weeks or as needed.
- Keep window treatments closed during the day, especially those windows facing the sun.
- Install a whole-house attic fan so you can give your AC system a rest overnight. Once the inside temperature matches or falls below the outside temperature, shut off the AC and turn on the fan.
If you’re already doing everything you can to cut energy consumption but just aren’t satisfied with the results, contact Nero to request our AC preventive maintenance service. Its designed to deliver these additional benefits: fewer repairs, longer equipment life, safer operating conditions, and cleaner indoor air.