Air Conditioning Repair Company in North Haven CT & Hamden

Should I Replace My AC System?

Maybe you inherited your central AC system, or maybe you had it installed. Either way, it’s giving you cause for concern. For now, you’re sitting back, hoping it can get you through the rest of this summer with no repair issues. And yet you’re half tempted to replace...

Improved Air Circulation Can Save You Money

Are you continually paying more to cool your home? While there are numerous possible explanations – including AC system wear and tear – there usually are things you can do about it short of replacing it. There also are things not to do, like closing inside doors....

Air Conditioning Terms You Should Know

Do you ever dread calling a mechanic, pest control company, or other service provider because you don’t quite know how to explain whatever problem or other service need you might have? At the same time, do you wonder of the person on the receiving end is silently...

How to Detect a Frozen Air Handler

Your central AC system isn’t working very well and you, being the handy and inquisitive type, go outside to see if you can spot a problem. Nothing there. Next, you check to see if your thermostat battery has died. Nope, working just fine. Now where do you look? The...

Advantages of an AC Tune-up

If you’re in your mid-forties and up, you remember all about getting your car tune-up. Back then, it wasn’t just about oil changes.  A full tune-up once included checking the points and plugs, checking and adjusting ignition timing, inspecting the distributor cap, and...

How to Reduce Indoor Humidity

When you come home on a hot and sticky day, you expect to trade those conditions for your own cool and comfortable surroundings. But what does it mean when it’s not so cool and comfortable anymore? It can mean a few things…among them, that your AC system is no longer...
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