Air Conditioning Repair Company in North Haven CT & Hamden

The Benefits of a Variable Speed AC System

If your aging AC system is unreliable at best, you’ll want to know more about variable speed systems before you go off in search of a replacement. Variable-speed compressors operate at different speeds which vary by the amount of cool air your house needs at any given...

Should I Repair or Replace My AC System?

Think of summer as a marathon race, one of endurance for your air conditioning system.  Like all marathoners, your system can run only so many races before calling it quits. Has that time come for your AC system?  Maybe, maybe not.  But if you’re noticing any of the...

Top Reasons to Clean Your AC Filter

If you’re someone who faithfully hires a qualified HVAC technician to clean and inspect your AC system each year, you’re in the minority. Surprised?  We are too, especially since most heating and cooling system repairs can be prevented with regular maintenance. At the...

Frozen AC Compressor, and What to Do About It!

Ice is usually something you dread running out of. So, you would think the sudden appearance of ice would generally be a good thing, especially in the summer. Well, most of the time you’d be right, but not when ice forms on your outdoor AC compressor. What causes it...

5 Common Air Conditioning Repair Problems

Although there are numerous factors that can cause an air conditioning system to under-perform or just stop working, some are more common than others. Hopefully you’ll never face any of them; but if you do, knowing what can go wrong will help you better understand...
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